Highest Quality
Affordable Luxury
Specialty Rated
COFFEE AND CARS - The Perfect combination.
Curva Grande Coffee was born out of a passion for driving, friendship and the finest specialty grade coffees. We put the three together to create Curva Grande Coffee.
We are a social brand that are all about the journey. We believe it's how you get there, making friends and stopping to share in that perfect moment. We love those quiet few minutes brewing a perfect coffee before getting ready to go out on an adventure whether it's a drive in the country or a track day.
CurvaGrande are curators of the finest specialty coffees just for Petrolheads. This means our coffee is rated as the top 20% of the coffees in the world. Our coffees are hand picked, hand washed, dried, roasted, refined and packed. It's an incredible commitment to ensure the finest quality reaches our customers.
Come and join us on the journey!